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outdoor performance ** 2022

Five dancers, connected by a common pulse, try to remain constantly attuned one to the other, to form a group displaying both solidity and solidarity; metaphor for a declining society in which members have no choice but to vibrate on the same wavelength in order to move forward together.

Choreographer : Bruno Pradet

Dancers : Christophe Brombin, Céline Debyser, Jules Leduc, Thomas Regnier, Loriane Wagner

(in alternance with Pascal Beugré-Tellier, Bi-Jia Yang)

Composer and arranger : Yoann Sanson & Mr Spoon

Costumes : Rozenn Lamand


Production : Association Vilcanota

Thanks to : Office culturel d’Alenya (66), La Comédie – Scène nationale de Clermont-Ferrand (63)

Tour support : SPEDIDAM, Occitanie en Scène

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The Vilcanota company is supported by DRAC (french ministry of culture), Région Occitanie, Hérault department and Montpellier city.

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  • Instagram - Gris Cercle
  • Vimeo - Gris Cercle

La compagnie Vilcanota est conventionnée par la DRAC Occitanie.

Elle est également soutenue par la Région Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée, le département de l’Hérault et la ville de Montpellier

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